Albert Einstein calls texters idiots?


Do you think Albert Einstein really said this? And if he did, do you think this quote is being used in context? When I see this image, I get the idea that our phones are taking us away from human interaction, which Einstein supposedly said means “we have a nation of idiots.” I definetly disagree with this picture for a few reasons. One reason being that the people in the photo could possibly be life saving doctors, scientists, etc. Simply identifying someone as an idiot for using technology is ridiculous. A key word in Einstein’s quote is that technolgy will “surpass” human interaction. In this case, I do not believe technology is “surpassing” human interaction but is actually stimulating and/or creating human interaction. Where would we draw the line on what technology is considered non-idiotic to communicate through. Is a call to the hospital or doctor idiotic simply because your using the technology of a telephone to communicate? I dont think so. The funniest thing about this picture is that people share it on the internet… with technology.

12 thoughts on “Albert Einstein calls texters idiots?

  1. I understand what Einstein meant. Of course he didn’t mean when technology was being used for the greater good, to save someone’s life, to make someone’s life better! That is taking Einstein’s words too literally….I believe he meant, when you use technology instead of your brain. When you just accept the outcome to technology, when you lose your sense of patience because of technology, when you lose your health because of technology, when you use technology to avoid human contact, when you use technology to hurt others etc…. As always it is one’s interpretation and of course ones use of technology!

  2. I look at the above picture, then shake my head. Technology is good, to an extent, however, face-to-face interaction with another human being is pivotal to human kind; at least that is my opinion. I fear we get to wrapped up in “Facebook,” MMORPGs, and texting that we loose sight of what a human being really is. I also feel that is why school-age bullying has jumped by leaps and bounds. If one can make a comment online it takes the human element out of the comment, making it easier for the perpetrator to do what he or she does; it is a societal disconnect.

  3. Texting verses talking can get misinterpreted quickly and easily. Plus, in regards to the picture above, nobody does that. I mean..some do but not everyone at once. What kind of group dinner would that be? Ridiculous. As for the title, I do believe that is taking Einstein’s theory a bit to far..

    • A text-book or website can teach someone how to perform a task just as good as a person on the phone or even in person. sometimes face to face doesnt work as good as showing pictures, videos, as well as text. In alot of information situations, not emotional, text vs. face to face communication is irrelevant.

  4. by the way you spelled “definitely”, we clearly have a problem. just saying. i think you’re taking the quote too literally, i don’t think Einstein would call everyone today idiots, and the picture is just a representation. we are becoming too dependent on technology for human interaction, in my humble opinion, and i believe that is part of what Einstein’s quote means. we aren’t interacting right now. we’re using technology. face to face interaction can never be replaced by technological “interaction”. i also agree that with Einstein in that without “real” interaction, we will become more idiotic in a sense, as we will have less meaningful experiences in the actual world. if this is actually reality. hmmm

    • Saying my argument is invalid because of a spelling error would be like me saying that your argument is invalid because you didnt capitalize “I”. Also, I clearly addressed that technology is not the problem, its how and why we use it.

  5. Several things, I don’t believe Einstein would speak in such sweeping generalizations. Not all participate, so not all are idiots. Also generalization because the the variables are situation dependent (some drs, etc…def not idiots) Idiots is also a subjective term. Also, this is assuming technology has surpassed humanity, where is this evident, and how is this measurable? How do we know, if Einstein did say this, he would be referring to this time, based on a few kids texting?? I don’t think so. How can we take poetic license and put our own photos on Einstein’s thoughts.Just not good logic or reasoning to use Einstein here, if it even is quote. I have researched and there is no evidence to say it is.

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